Urea 46-0-0

Urea 46-0-0



Urea is a white granular product, also popularly called “forty six zero zero” (46-0-0), it supplies the major essential element nitrogen. Urea is the richest source of nitrogen among the common dry fertilizers. Urea contains 46% nitrogen (N), 0% phosphorus (P), 0% potassium (K) and only trace amounts of Sulphur (S). Our urea is the highest quality. We proudly source directly from the production facilities and minimize logistics & handling.

Urea can be treated with AGROTAIN® at our facility here in Mallaig. AGROTAIN® nitrogen stabilizer is the original, most research-proven urease inhibitor technology on the market. AGROTAIN® nitrogen stabilizer reduces the activity of urease enzymes. By slowing this activity, the soil has the ability to resist changes in the pH in the immediate vicinity of the urea, resulting in a lower ammonia volatilization loss and an optimal crop yield potential.

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